‘Rebels’ or ‘Martyrs’

I was just reading this Washington Post article about "Biden's" cyberspace plan and my first thought was that I doubt Biden has such an interest in the future of Cybersecurity that it’s “personal” for him, which resulted in his coming up with a national level cybersecurity plan…  I’m having trouble deciding how to take the statement, by “one senior administration official”, saying “He’s as involved in this as anything in his portfolio”.  Are they trolling us with that statement or am I just trolling my own mind? Haha.  Regardless, I appreciate the acknowledgement of undertaking national level cybersecurity and awareness, wherever the idea came from.   Reading this article, it also has kind of a privateering feel to it? Not in the completely literal idea “sovereigns raising revenue for war by mobilizing privately owned resources to supplement state power”, but in the sense that the government is thinking to supplement its lack of… or let’s say, ‘misallocation’ of human talent resources and/or expertise.  I applaud that type of strategy.  I like to see the government be able to get out of its own way and turning to the citizens to manage as they can.  The article keeps saying things like, " This is personal for President Biden", " Biden has taken a series of actions", “Biden warned President Vladimir Putin”, etc...  I’m not sure how willing I am to believe a million-year-old Pres Biden… 22-years-from-being-100-year-old President Biden… is at the forefront of cyber mindedness??!  I'm thinking that the real proponents of all this are Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, and Anne Neuberger, the former NSA director of cybersecurity, that Sullivan recruited into the Administration. 

Of course, I'm just bitching… however it came about, I'm glad to see something seems to be getting done.  I'm just annoyed that "the news" feels responsible for telling me whom to resent and whom to praise.  Reading past all the finger pointing and grandstanding, I had the thought that, “What if it was the practice to praise the previous administration, instead of condemning everything they did or didn’t do?”  If instead of finger pointing, the practice was to say how we’re trying to keep up with/maintain the progress made during the previous administration, instead of scape-goat-ing and villainizing everything they did?  Like, "I'm grateful to the groundwork laid in this space, by the previous administration, and we are endeavoring to grab the baton and continue to improve on this [specific topic] on behalf of our citizens, and all who may benefit"...  If instead of making things about climbing on top of the rubble of "the other side’s" reputation or image, we said, "Thank you for executing your plan to protect our country, even if you did it differently than we would" and then move on.  Instead of constantly drowning everyone in the shade of finger pointing.  Just do our jobs without bitching about the other side.  We're never going to get anywhere if we're constantly handing off coats labeled ‘Rebels’ or ‘Martyrs’ instead of handing off the baton and carrying forward without negative commentary on how the person before us carried the baton.  What happened to the days when America carried the torch to cast light on the way to freedom showing us the path to Liberty. “La Liberté éclairant le monde” … “Liberty Enlightening the World”… Nowadays it feels like we’re being told to hoard the light and condemn everyone that’s been pushed into the dark. Anyways... Morning rant done.

“Opinion: An undeclared war is breaking out in cyberspace. The Biden administration is fighting back” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/08/10/an-undeclared-war-is-breaking-out-cyberspace-biden-administration-is-fighting-back)


This I Believe